Chemistry in Our Lives


Chapter - 12: Chemistry in Our Lives

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12.1 Domestic Chemistry / Household Chemistry

Write the formula of edible salt?

The formula of edible salt is NaCl.

12.2 Chemistry for Cleanliness

What is soap?

Sodium or potassium salt of higher fatty acid is called soap.

What are the main raw materials for producing soap?

Fat and base are the main raw materials for producing soap.

How many parts are there in a soap?

There are two parts to a soap.

What is the saponification reaction?

The process of making soap by the hydrolysis of oil and fat with caustic soda or caustic potash is called saponification.

What happens in the hydrolysis of oil or fat?

The hydrolysis of oil or fat produces long-chained alcohol and organic acid.

What is detergent?

The sodium salt of long carbon chained alkyl hydrogen sulfate or long carbon chained alkyl benzene sulphonic acid is called detergent.

What is the chemical name of detergent?

The chemical name of the detergent is sodium lauryl sulphonate.

12.3 Chemistry in Agriculture and Industries

Question Bank

12.1 Domestic Chemistry / Household Chemistry

  • What is the formula of edible salt or table salt?
  • What is salt harvesting?
  • Write the uses of sodium chloride.
  • What is the chemical name of baking soda?
  • What is baking powder?
  • Write the preparation of baking soda.
  • Write the uses of baking soda.

12.2 Chemistry for Cleanliness


12.3 Chemistry in Agriculture and Industries


Secondary Chemistry

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