Difference between biometrics and bioinformatics

Difference between biometrics and bioinformatics

The following differences between biometrics and bioinformatics are given below:

No.  Biometrics Bioinformatics
 1 Biometrics refers to the science and technology of measuring and analyzing data. Bioinformatics refers to the technology of solutions based on applied mathematics, information science, artificial intelligence, chemistry, and biological sciences.
 2 Biometrics determines the validity analysis of DNA, fingerprint retina of the eyes, voice, fingerprint, etc. Bioinformatics uses computer technology, information theory, and mathematical skill for analyzing biological data.
 3 Biometrics is used for security in computer methods. Bioinformatics is used to make the visualization of molecular genetics true.
 4 This method preserves the biological data of humans in a computer database and validity is considered comparing automatically later on. It helps preserve a huge amount of repeated and unrepeated data. Pattern recognition and algorithmic data mining can be conducted.
 5 It is comparatively a cost-effective technology. It is very expensive.

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