Liberty | Forms of Liberty | Law and Liberty


Generally, liberty is understood as whatever one does at his own will. In an actual sense, liberty does not mean this sort of unlimited freedom. Because absolute freedom creates anarchy in society. For example, if somebody is allowed to do anything of his own will it might harm others resulting in a conflicting environment. So liberty in civics is used in a different sense. In this sense, liberty is to act at one's will within the limit without interfering or creating obstacles to others' activities. Liberty refers to such opportunities and an environment where no one harms others. Everybody enjoys their rights. Liberty helps individuals to grow their personalities and eliminate all the obstacles to the enjoyment of rights.

Forms of Liberty

Liberty has different forms:

a) Personal liberty

b) Social liberty

c) Political liberty

d) Economic liberty and

e) National liberty

a) Personal Liberty: Personal liberty is understood as liberty that does not harm others if it is enjoyed. For instance, to practice religion and maintain family secrecy. This sort of liberty is an individual's matter.

b) Social Liberty: Social liberty includes the right to protect life, enjoy property, and take on a legitimate profession. This sort of liberty leads to the growth of civic life. To protect the rights for the people living in society, social liberty is required. This liberty has to be enjoyed in such a manner so that it does not harm others.

c) Political Liberty: Political liberty includes voting, the right to be elected and obtaining security abroad. This sort of liberty creates opportunities for individuals to participate in governing the state. Political liberty is very much crucial in the democratic system.

d) Economic Liberty: Economic liberty refers to taking on a profession according to one's competence and also to get a due wage. Citizens enjoy economic freedom to get financial benefits. Other liberties cannot be enjoyed without this liberty. Economic liberty is necessary for staying free from exploitation by other social classes.

e) National Liberty: Bangladesh is an independent state and free from interference by other states. This status of Bangladesh is known as national liberty. As a result of this freedom, a state remains free from the control of other states. Every independent state enjoys national liberty.

Law and Liberty

Political scientists differ in their opinions about the relationships between law and liberty. Many of them say that the relationships between law and liberty are intimate. Again, some political scientists say that law and liberty are mutually antagonistic. As a matter of fact, this relationship is not mutually hostile, but rather intimate. It is discussed below: 

Law protects freedom: Law acts as a protector of freedom. For example, we have the right to live. We enjoy the right to live because of the law. John Locke rightly said where there is no law, there is no freedom.

Law is the guardian of freedom: Law acts as a guardian of liberty just as parents keep their children safe from dangers, so laws protect freedom from all kinds of opposing forces.

Law is a condition of liberty: A single law is a single piece of freedom. All can enjoy freedom as there exists the control of the law. According to Willoughby, freedom is protected as there exists the region of law.

Law broadens freedom: Law enlarges the freedom of the citizens. The law creates the necessary conditions for a peaceful and orderly life. In the process, though laws control freedom, laws broaden freedom.

So it can be said that the relationship between law and liberty is very close. Not all laws protect liberty. For example, the laws of Hitler of Germany. Because these laws were against humanity but laws based on people's consent are deemed a protector, guardian condition, and basis of freedom.

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